Key Contacts

Hollowell Sailing Club is run entirely by volunteers, we have no paid staff and rely on our members who find time in their busy professional and family lives to devote to the club. If you are interested in helping out in any way however small, feel free to get in touch with any of us.

If you have a general question about sailing at Hollowell Sailing Club, please consider 'messenger' on our FaceBook page Public Facebook Page

Further Committee contacts can be found through our

Name Position Role EMAIL
1 James Avery Commodore All enquires not already in the remit of committee members listed here. Email
2 Paula Beveridge Club Secretary Legal and Committee issues.
3 Sue Jones Membership Secretary Queries with new/renewing membership
Collector of membership fees.
4 Clive de la Fuente Training Principal To find out more about learning to sail or any of our training courses.
5 Rob Watkinson Sailing Secretary To find out more about our racing and casual sailing programme
6 Nicky Frost Duty Co-ordinator/Webcollect Admin Problem solver for WebCollect or issues with duties on the DutyMan system.
7 Stewart Elder House Manager/ Webmaster Club general maintenance and security. Web Site editor.
8 Hanna Croxton Tea Bar Manager Contact Hanna if you have a Galley duty query.
9 Ivor McDonnell Harbour Master Ivor will be able to tell you where to put your boat!
10 Jenny Sturt Junior Training/Youth Courses Queries about booking / joining a HSC Junior courses.
11 Andrea King Training Adult Courses Queries about booking / joining a HSC Adult courses.
12 Carol Halliday Powerboat Courses To find out more about our RYA Powerboat and Safety Boat courses.
13 Laura Allen Safeguarding Officer For queries relating to Child/Adult Welfare.

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